Cigarettes or Haughty Eyes?

04 Jul

7 things the Lord hates

7 things the Lord hates

Which is worse?

Church kids are well aware that swearing, smoking, and sexting* are bad.

Curiously, none of these made their way on to God’s top 7 list of sins in Proverbs 6:

There are six things the LORD hates,
seven that are detestable to him:

haughty eyes,
a lying tongue,
hands that shed innocent blood,

a heart that devises wicked schemes,
feet that are quick to rush into evil,

a false witness who pours out lies
and a man who stirs up dissension among brothers.

To many, this is a list of 7 things that characterizes church folks. We damn people for their cigarettes, and are adamant about our teens not smoking a hooka. We’d rather they have haughty eyes and lying tongues.

This is upside down. This is wrong. This is sin.

A co-worker once told me they’d left the church decades ago and had never been back. From some of my experiences with fellow church-goes, I can’t say I blame them – they likely interacted with people in the church characterized by this list of despicable things.

Rather than focusing on outward behaviour, or one-time actions, we should be focusing on the heart.

For my kids and the high school and college students with whom I volunteer, I’d rather them have cigarettes than haughty eyes.

* Sorry, I wanted a list if 3 🙂


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  • I like this post. alot.

  • Thanks Kamala!

  • Here’s another you could submit to Relevant.

    I have a LOT of Christian friends who smoke, and you’re totally right — they always feel they need to hide it. It’s wrong, it’s horrible, it’s …. sinful. Of course, the feeling that it’s sinful comes from the rest of us who make up “church”.

    I’m with you — I’d rather they smoke than anything else on that list.

    • They have word count requirements, I’ll need to count this up and see if it would work.