July 4 Commemoration, 2010

05 Jul

As I mentioned previously, we decided to do things a bit differently this 4th of July.

The idea is modeled after the Jewish passover Seder, which preserves traditions and passes on values by reenacting the story every year as if the current generation is the first generation to be delivered from Egypt.

Our goal was to remember and to an extent re-live the founding of America as if we were the first generation.

It was fun, thought provoking and positive. I’m looking forward to refining this for next year. Here’s the outline we used:

  1. Prayer
  2. Pledge of Allegiance
  3. Reading of the Declaration of Independence, everyone reads a section.
  4. Songs
  5. The American Trinity video, Dennis Prager
  6. Discussion: What have you done recently to help America? …to help fight internal threats to America?
  7. Hang out, BBQ
  8. Discussion: What are you grateful to America for?
  9. Fireworks
1 Comment

Posted in Politics

  • lori

    it was great I’m still thinking about the Declaration of Independence, and I loved the songs!

    I can’t for next year!