Posts Tagged ‘languages’

Goal 2: French

03 Jul

Rosetta Stone FrenchNeither my job nor an educational requirement nor my cultural context demands that I learn other languages, which makes language-learning an entirely self-motivational task.

I purchased Rosetta Stone French a few years ago, and recently restarted it.  I’ve got 3 levels of French and would like to accomplish two of them my the end of this Jon-ese year. If I can swing it between my other goals, I’ll work on the third level as well.

Current Progress:  12.5%

  1. Attainable: I lowered my goal from all 3 levels because that would have required more than 1 lesson per week. I can do this.
  2. Meaningful: Improves mental health, keeps me learning, and will allow me to use French in some situations some day.
  3. Difficult: The time commitment is definitely going to be difficult on this one.
  4. Quantifiable: When I’ve completed 2 levels of French with all exercises completed at 90% or higher, this goal will be complete.
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