Posts Tagged ‘nasa’

How to Fail at Arguing #1

08 Jul

My ears perk up when I hear people fail at arguing.  It happens all the time by many people, though I notice it most from self-described left-wing “progressives.” I see this as being an ongoing series on this blog with examples as I see or hear them.

screen capture of facebook comments

How many times can he fail in one conversation?

Here’s a clip of a recent attempt at a conversation on Facebook. The article linked was the one I wrote about earlier about NASA’s new mission.

How to fail in argument as Tice did here:

  1. Simultaneously express agreement, skepticism, and disagreement about the same thing.
  2. Avoid talking about the issue at hand altogether.
  3. Call the other person names.
  4. Insult the source instead of the facts being reported, or the factworthiness of the report.
  5. And a bonus combo of the above: Agree with a source, then attack the source and say that anyone who agrees with them is stupid.

Yes, he just called himself stupid. Gold star. That’s how to fail at arguing, first edition.

Have you seen someone recently fail at arguing? Leave me a comment or drop a note.