Goal 3: Finish Every Book I’ve Started

07 Jul

Stack of Books

My third goal for this Jon-ese year is to finish every book I stared (with the intention of finishing).

After I made this goal, My Wife reminded me that I had agree to read the first book of two series. In each I read the first chapter. Two late additions to this list:


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  • lori

    9 books in a year doesn’t seem so bad…I’d book snowball and read HP and Twilight first 🙂

    • Thanks for the tip Lori. 🙂 I’m working on Liberty and Tyranny by Mark Levin and Brain Rules right now because I’m mostly done with them already… after that, I’m not sure which I’ll tackle. Now I’m seeing all these books I want to read, like the 5,000 Year Leap, but I’m going to hold off until I get this books done.

  • I need to re-read Man Who Was Thursday, too. I read it in college and don’t remember a single thing about it.